Work with me
Thank you so much for your interest in working with me as a partner-client or collaborator. Some of the ways I work with partner-clients and collaborators include:
- Engaging me as the author of Ecological Organisations: A Design Lens and the underlying story of ecological organisations to design and deliver ecological organisations coaching and facilitation that supports organisational founders, leaders, and stewards as they move organisations into being more ecological.
- Engaging me as as a reflective partner to help you navigate the complexities of leadership, intra-preneur, and being in the source role, where I utilise the depth of my eight years experience in self-organising, organisational design, and being in the source role.
- Engaging in 1:1 ecological enquiry sessions, to discover just some of the complexity alive in the smallest and biggest of your lived experiences.
- Engaging me to speak to the organisation, collective, or institute that you're a member of about ecological organisations or ecological enquiry.
- Hosting themed ecological enquiry circles to explore organisation-wide challenges, tensions, hopes, and repair work, or joining one of my pre-designed enquiry circles.
- Co-authoring articles on interbeing, relational complexity, being ecological in a multispecies, multigenerational world, ecological organisations, seasonality, organisational and relational repair and endings, and more...
- Collaborating to deliver client-park work in my areas of speciality.
- Inviting me to explore ecological organisations or ecological enquiry as a speaker or podcast guest.
- Joining Generative Worlding as a guest circle member.
However, if there is anything related to my fields of work that aren't mentioned here, please don't hesitate to reach out. For all enquiries, please book a complimentary 20 minute intro call or fill out the below contact form and I'll reach out.
I approach price as a dialogue between each partner-client and myself (except for my pre-designed ecological enquiry circles where participants are invited to self-select into suggested rate bands). Centered in that dialogue is the following price guidance:
You are an individual with lower access to financial wealth: this generally covers those who live and earn in the so-called Global South, earn their income in other currencies than Dollars, Euros, or GBP, or are a member of a marginalised and disadvantaged group.
You are an individual or an organisation with access to financial wealth : this generally covers those who live and earn in the so-called Global North, earn their income in Dollars, Euros, or GBP, will receive a pension or an inheritance, or is an organisation located in the so-called Global South.
You are an individual or an organisation with higher access to financial wealth: this generally covers those who own a home outright, are able to afford substantial investments, have a household income of over £80,000 per year, or is an organisation located in the so-called Global North.