Ecological enquiry

We are truly relational beings, living amalgamations of neighbourhood, place, relationship, ancestral lines, current events, ecosystems, social systems, stories, cosmologies, worldviews, possible futures, and histories. 

Ecological enquiry is a practice that helps us discover the depth of relationality, complexity, and interbeing that informs us as individuals, groups, and organisations. Through its practice, we can uncover just some of what is alive within our personal, collective, and organisational experiences, ideas, challenges, and questions so that we can be relational members of this multispecies, multigenerational world with more attunement, grace, and response-ability.

And, by practicing ecological enquiry together, we can practice being in relationship with the social field, the invisible but tangible field that arises when we gather in groups.

Enquiry: exploring perspectives, ideas, beliefs, blindspots, and experiences with curiosity, compassion, and depth.
Ecological enquiry: discovering the depth of relationality, complexity, and interbeing that informs us as individuals, groups, and organisations.

Dive deeper into the practice of ecological enquiry and how it unfolds for individuals, groups, and organisations in the ecological enquiry guide.



OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS These action enquiry circles are looking to bring together small groups of organisational founders, leaders, and stewards so we can apply a shared gaze to the challenges and enquiries and possibilities that we meet when we start to move organisations into being more ecological.

Through combining ecological enquiry with experimental action, my hope is that we will discover new pathways forwards for each of us and our associated organisations that we would likely not find alone.

Find out more about this enquiry and apply to join a circle.



ONGOING AND OPEN FOR NEW MEMBERS Founded in 2023, Facilitation Pods are time-bound, small-group enquiries into what comes alive in a facilitated space, for participants and for facilitators.

In the pods, we utilse ecological enquiry to 'investigate' individual and collective experiences as faciltators in relation to cultural stories, ancestry, place, histories, systems, family dynamics, and possible futures. We have been carefully evolving the pods into a shared commons and crafting new roles as co-stewards. To support this transition, we've taken ourselves through ceremonies and rituals of letting go and arriving, appreciating and honouring.

Season 3 is full and started Autumn 2024, with 2 new pods running, a Novice Facilitators' Pod and Seasoned Facilitators' Pod.

Read more about the Facilitation Pods and share your interest in joining our next season.

facilitation pods




COMPLETED What could a framing of 'inner rewilding' mean for our experiences of queering bodies, whether through chronic health issues or intense and unexpected health issues?

Started in March 2024, Chronic Health Issues and Inner Rewilding was a time-bound, small-group facilitated enquiry inspired by the article 12 Steps to Inner Rewilding by Thomas Klaffke. UItilising ecological enquiry, we explored becoming closer to our selves and our bodies as ecological beings, rewilding ourselves and our bodies, and what these questions mean for people navigating chronic health issues or intense and unexpected health issues.

Read more about the Chronic Health Issues and Inner Rewilding exploration.




ON HOLD There is so much being explored about whiteness, othering, belonging, decolonisation, neo-colonialism, racial justice, advocacy, and allyship. And, what comes after whiteness? What stories of self, identity, and kinship can we reimagine and bring into the now, to guide us into a different future? How can we hold the nuances of ancestral heritages and social constructions while not diminishing impact or responsibility?

Worlding Beyond Whiteness is intended to be a space of deep self- and shared-enquiry. A space where we can personally and collectively voice the questions, griefs, challenges, and desires we hold about being born into social constructs. A space where we can practice clear vision - taking ownership, being accountable, looking at what needs to be looked at with a clear gaze - while honouring and celebrating and reimagining the worlds and stories our hearts and minds long for. A space to explore how we might world into post-whiteness.

facilitation pods


Connect with me

Curious about working with me as an individual, group, or organisation?
Please book your free 20 minute intro call or reach out via my contact me form.
You'll also find more information about working with me on the FAQ page of the Ecological Organisations online depository.